Throwing footballs and lifting weights to build lower body strength are two training techniques for building arm strength. In baseball, arm strength is a key metric for all positions on a baseball field. An explosive lower half of your body can dramatically increase the speed at which a baseball player throws the ball. So what’s the best way to build your lower half? The answer is Lifting weights!
One of the best ways to build pitcher-specific power is a training technique called “The King of the Hill.” It uses an auditory signal and a spring coil system to reinform explosive lower-half pitching mechanics. The KOTH is used by college programs such as Vanderbilt and professional baseball organizations like the Kansas City Royals. I use it with all of my pitchers to increase velocity.
The next time you’re watching your son pitch and the radar gun says 65mph, pat him on the back and say two words: “WEIGHT ROOM.” We work with middle school, high school, and college-bound baseball players who want to throw the baseball faster. At RK Strength Training, Ronnie Kenyatta is a Performance Enhancement Specialist with many years of training expertise working with baseball players at all levels. Call us today at 404-242-1362, email us at, or click here to book a free consultation. We look forward to working with you.